The East Side Art Center

545 Pawtucket Avenue    
Studio B202
Pawtucket, RI  02860    


Studio, not academic, learning


A special note about enrolling a child:

The age range listed for each of the classes is carefully chosen to match children of approximate skill and social level. They are tighter than most other schools. The lower end of each age range is the minimum age. If your child is almost at the minimum age, it is better to wait a bit until he or she is the minimum age. We want your child to succeed in the most positive experience.

Family Discount

Members of the immediate family are entitled to a 5% discount on the TUITION ONLY of a second (or more) enrolled student in a semester. Family Discount does NOT apply to Materials.

Referring to the class descriptions, deduct 5% off applicable tuitions.

  1. Add that amount to non-applicable Tuition.
  2. Add any Materials or Model Fees in-full to subtotal.
  3. Enter total on the "Grand Total Enclosed" line of the Application Form.

The Application form must be filled out and submitted with payment, in-full, for enrollment to be complete.

Completed applications are registered on a first-received, first-enrolled basis. Because this is a small school- with small classes- some who have registered late have found courses no longer open. You may mail in or deliver to our front door receptacle. Sorry, no telephone or e-mail "reservations", nor registering on-line.

Send completed Application Form with a check made payable to East Side Art Center. Please mail via the US Postal Service to the address found at the bottom of the registration form.

Withdrawal Refund Policy:

Our Withdrawal Refund Policy takes into consideration mutual student / school commitment, planning, preparation and expectations...

100% refund: At least 7 days prior to the day of the first scheduled class.

90% refund: Within 6 days prior to the day of the first scheduled class.

80% refund: After the first class and at least twenty-four hours before the second class.

After that, no refund.